Saturday, October 19, 2019

Gloak's Safe-Action Advertisement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gloak's Safe-Action Advertisement - Essay Example The guy in the add looks like has military. Hes ex Drill Instructor at Marine Corp. He has military clothing on that civilian wear He narrates how a thug tried to kick upon the front door of house; while he was successful in opening the front door, what lied ahead of him became one of his worst night mares ever. The customer expresses his amazement at the tenacity with which a loaded Gloak protected him and his family. This is one of the many amazing stories that Gloak intends to collect through this promotional campaign. At the bottom center of the page, the Gloak spokes person asserts how she hears these remarkable stories every other day. The on-lookers are prompted to send in their stories of Gloak on Facebook page of Gloak and get a chance to appear in a Gloak ad. The paper will elaborate on the advertisement, its appearance, the target market that it is intended for, it’s branding through the advertisement, the ethos pathos and logos. It will critique the advertisement i n greater depth over its strengths and weaknesses. The Gloak ad speaks to consumers in various ways –both direct and in-direct. Through the given story, the ad speaks to the customer by telling him the gun will protect him no matter what the circumstances are. No matter how drastic the situation or how tough the encounter, Gloak will protect them.

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