Thursday, October 24, 2019

Analyzing the Storm. Essay -- essays research papers

The setting in this story creates the perfect environment for an adulterous affair. In Kate Chopin's "The Storm", Chopin not only creates the perfect setting but also uses the setting as a symbol of the affair. Most likely occurring in the late 1800's and taking place in the deep South, the story gives an account of an adulterous affair between Calixta, wife to Bobinot and mother to four year old Bibi, and Alcee, husband to Clarisse, during a terrible rain storm. The presence of the storm is not merely coincidental. It is the driving force behind the story and the affair. As the storm begins, climaxes and ends so does the affair and the story. From the opening we see that Chopin intends to use the storm to move the story forward. The story begins with Bobinot and Bibi inside the local store. As they attempt to leave they notice storm clouds approaching the town. Deciding to wait out the storm, they remain inside. Meanwhile, Calixta is at home sewing and unaware of the storm. Soon realizing the storm is approaching, she begins frantically running about the house closing windows and doors and retrieving clothes left on the porch. Seeking shelter from the rain, Alcee approaches as Calixta steps on to her front porch. Chopin writes, "As she stepped outside, Alcee Laballiere rode in at the gate" (96). By providing a terrible storm Chopin creates an ingenious setting for this chance meeting. Chopin's intentions become even more apparent im...

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